In our clinic, Dental Emergencies Majorca, we perform a general dental check-up to get all the necessary information about your personal history and an exhaustive check-up to establish a diagnosis and a treatment plan suited to each particular case. Our general dentists are responsible for referring each patient to the appropiate specialist.
Regarding our specialities, we restore or replace the damaged and lost teeth through our oral rehabilitation. We always try to improve our patients’ smile according to their personal features and needs with dentistry treatments.
Contact us and discover all we have to offer
If you want to contact us, you can do it through our website or by calling to the following telephone number:
Tlf. 971 244 600 – Móvil: 636 562 588
Useful linksDentista Mallorca Urgencia dental Mallorca Clínicas dentales Mallorca Clínica odontológica Mallorca Implante dental Mallorca |